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Here's the video of that:

It does a -- at the beginning of the playing of the morse code if I type "t". Sorry about that!

I like how you did that! It's a good tool! By the way, did you use audio files for the dots and dashes or did you use a tone? 

Hi Dragonite! I played and downloaded your game. After opening it up, I hit "play". After it started, I accidentally clicked it again. Then it played it 2 times at once!

One way you could fix it would be to make it assign a variable, say, playing to "true" at the beginning of the more code playing. Then, when it's done, switch it to false. Make it only able to play the beeps when playing is false.

Thanks for putting the work into making this game! I appreciate it!

Interesting, I’m surprised I didn’t do that originally. I’ve posted a fixed version.

OK. I'll redownload it.